Special Projects – NAN Health Transformation <!-- --> | <!-- -->Shibogama First Nations Council

Special Projects – NAN Health Transformation


The community participation model was developed from the feedback from Chiefs, Health Directors, Youth and Elders. It is an ongoing process for community members to share their experiences of the current system and how they would like to see it changed. Communities will identify their own priorities and will identify what supports they would like to see in moving forward.

For this to work, community consultation is essential. It is important for you to tell us what changes you would like to see in the system and how you would like to be supported in moving forward. Your views will help us identify community-led solutions to the problems you have identified.

NAN First Nations have always asserted their right to have their own health and wellness programs and services. In order to ensure equal access to health care, the Health Transformation Process was started by Nishnawbe Aski Nation on March 31, 2016 through Resolution 16/04 – Call for Declaration of Public Health Emergency. This Declaration asserted our rights to develop a First Nations health system with full access to high quality care within our communities.

In 2017 a charter was developed between the Federal Government, the Province of Ontario, and Nishnawbe Aski Nation that committed all these parties to the health transformation process. This process includes:

  • Developing new approaches to improve access to better health care at the community level.
  • Supporting the ability of First Nations communities and organizations to deliver their own services.
  • Changes in policy and law assist in the design a new health system for NAN First Nations, including realistic funding models and more control over the decision-making process at the community level.
  • Removing existing barriers so that First Nations can plan, design and manage their own services.

As NAN Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler has stated: “The chronic failure of the health care system for First Nations access NAN territory has left our communities in a state of crisis. Children are dying and lives are at risk.”

Your inputs are very important to us. We need to know your community’s priorities and needs and wishes of the community so that the health transformation initiative can support your goals and any projects you think will address these goals.

Please participate in our on-line NAN Health Transformation Survey for young people, Elders and community members to complete.

As NAN Health Transformation Coordinator for Shibogama First Nations Council, it is my job to work with communities to find out how the health services in your community could be improved and what kind of health services and program needs you would like to see in the community. We need to document what you think and what is important to you and your family so that you can have better health services. As part of this project, we are asking every adult, leadership, heath-care workersin the community to help us by answering the survey questions.

Since the communities are opening up and easing travel restrictions, I will travel to each community to work with the community health director. I will be available to talk to you and to the elders as well as utilize the local radio station.

Shibogama needs your participation. Your feedback is very important.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

I can be reached at:

Gordon Anderson, NAN Health Transformation Coordinator for

Shibogama First Nations Council

Cell: 807-738-5327

Email: gordona@shib.ca

Please complete the Health Transformations Questionnaire